
Computer Science

Dr Marian Neagul is currently a Post Doctoral Researcher at the Institute eAustria Timisoara. Marian graduated with a B.A. degree in Computer Science from West University of Timisoara (UVT). He obtained his M.S. from UVT in 2011 and a Ph.D. also from UVT in 2015.

Marian’s general research topics cover machine learning, distributed systems, computer networks and operating systems. Lately he has focused on Machine Learning applied to Earth Observation applications, Earth Observation platforms and Cloud Computing, particularly orchestration, deployment and configuration management.

Marian was involved in several research projects ranging from areas like GRID Computing, Cloud Computing up to Digital Preservation. Some of the notable research projects include the FP7 mOSAIC Project (building an PaaS and API for cloud applications), FP7 MODAClouds (focusing on model driven development of cloud applications) and H2020 CloudLightning (targeting the research of self organising clouds). As part of his work in the afore mentioned projects Marian coauthored more then a dozen research papers in the areas of interest of the projects.

Marian was awarded an IBM PhD award Fellowship in 2012, IBM BSRE 2011 and received the support of a Google Summer of Code Project in 2007.
