As part of the initiative “European Capitals of Culture in 2023” our homecity Timișoara is one of the the selected capitals. Our team is proud to anounce that we participate in the “Bright CityScapes” program, particularly in the exhibition “Turn Signals - Design is not a Dashboard” together with Guillemette Legrand with an installation named “De aici până în Cosmos: Vederi incalculabile spre Deasupra, Dedesubt și împrejur”.
During ESA Φ-week 2019, we introduced our AI @ Earth Observation Support tool: Hugin, a tool which is generally available on GitHub and our internal GitLab
In the last decade we witnessed a massive technological breakthrough in Computer Science, particularly the Cloud gained increased attention both inside and outside of the IT community. Also in the last few years there was a massive shift towards Machine Learning, with many IT companies investing significant resources in developing new techniques and products aimed at bringing Machine Learning closer to the developer communities, and finally to the end-user.
The team composed of SAGE group members Teodora Selea and Alexandru Munteanu obtained the “ECMWF Copernicus Award” in the FOSS4G EO Data Challenge.
Our group participated between 20-21 June 2019 to the Hackathon organized by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), aimed for developing the new OGC Application Programming Interface (API) specifications.
The hackathon test drafted OpenAPI-based standards for coverages, map tiles, processes using a common template based on the OGC API for features, aka WFS3.
The ESA Living Planet Symposium, held at the MiCo Milano Congressi in Milan, Italy from 13th to 17th May 2019, was organized with the valuable support of the Italian Space Agency. This event drew in numerous scientists and data users, making ESA’s Living Planet Symposia one of the most significant Earth observation conferences globally.
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